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American Made Products
Our t-shirts, hats and socks will always be made in the USA. 🇺🇸 So when you shop here, you can feel good in knowing that you’re supporting American small businesses.
On all items purchased, a donation of 15% to 20% will be made to Tactical Civics™ or 1776Free.com. The donation amount will be determined by the item that is purchased.
Tactical Civics™ is the only organization that has a full spectrum action plan to restore our great Republic. It is peaceful, lawful, constitutionally based and biblically based. Tactical Civics™ is not a political organization. It is a way of life. Tactical Civics™ is working to bring responsible American citizens together who are willing to learn and do the work. The US Constitution is the highest law in our land and it is time WE THE PEOPLE enforce it, end the organized crime taking place at every level of government and take back and restore our great republic for future generations.
1776Free is the only Pro-America search engine that is geared to fight back against the big tech tyrants. By utilizing pro-American algorithms, 1776free.com will bring you truthful information that is being censored by other search engines like Google, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go, etc. Internet truth and freedom are extremely important to the cause of restoring the Republic.
Independence Day is right around the corner. That’s right it is INDEPENDENCE DAY, not July 4th. Yes the historical date is July 4th, but on the calendar July 4th is just another day. So let’s start calling it what it is. Let’s start giving honor to those 56 men, who after attempting to utilize all…
Contact us if you’d like to see how else you can help support our mission to honor the 56 Men who gave We the People so much.