July 4th or Independence Day

Independence Day is right around the corner. That’s right it is INDEPENDENCE DAY, not July 4th. Yes the historical date is July 4th, but on the calendar July 4th is just another day. So let’s start calling it what it is. Let’s start giving honor to those 56 men, who after attempting to utilize all other non-war options, put it all on the line by signing the Declaration of Independence and declaring war on the greatest military power on the face of the earth at that time. They were not celebrating July 4th. They mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to fight for your independence from a tyrannical government. Without this one single event, nothing else would have happened and these United States would not exist today.

In and of itself, the date of July 4th has no historical or present day value. It is just a day on the calendar. Unless we teach our children and grandchildren the real meaning and value of that day in 1776 there is no honor given to the 56 men who fought for your God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There will be no understanding of the sacrifices that were made and the price that was paid by them.

I would think it safe to say that most Americans really have no idea how many men signed the Declaration of Independence. Most have no idea that George Washington was not one of the signers of the Declaration, he was already off fighting against the British. But Washington did later sign the United States Constitution.

Our website, www.56men.us is designed to help educate you on the historical intentions of our Founding Fathers, to help you have the opportunity to educate yourself on that history, to realize how we got into the mess we are in today and to direct you towards the real action plan solution that can be implemented over time to restore our Constitutional Republic back to what it was created and intended to be. We also offer some pretty cool apparel items(which are made in the USA) as well as some other promotional type items. We hope you will visit our site and give it a thorough look over. We will use proceeds from the sales of our items to further the fight for restoration and support Pro-Constitution, non-political organizations who are working to make it happen.

I have a real passion for seeing this happen. I love these United States. I thank God above that he allowed me to know Him, to be born in the USA, and to enjoy the life that he has blessed my family and me with. I want to see the efforts of those 56 men honored and restored. Benjamin Franklin is credited with having stated…..”a Republic if you can keep it”. Well, we haven’t.  There is no elected politician….representative, senator or president or government bureaucrat  who can restore our Republic. It is our responsibility to do it. Remember those words….WE THE PEOPLE. Organized criminals prevail at every level of government. Special interest groups, lobbyist, attorneys and career staffers write and control legislation that is passed by these criminals. It must stop and HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY.

Just like Christmas for most people, has become just a holiday with no acknowledgement of its Christian intent and meaning, I know that as most people gather for Independence Day, it will be just another holiday filled with family, lake trips, bar-b-que and outdoor games. Sadly many will never even mention that it is Independence Day. They will only call it July 4th and never acknowledge its true meaning. I hope you will not be one of those. Maybe this will be your first time recognizing it for what it is. That’s okay, we have to start somewhere. Make a point to teach your family, share our website and Facebook page with others. Let this be a point where you realize that enough is enough and you decide to become part of the solution to honor the 56 men who started it all and to join the only real efforts taking place to restore what they fought for and gave us. I am on board! ARE YOU?