To Understand Our Values & Mission, You Must Understand Who The 56 Men Were…
In the summer of 1776, 56 fully committed men placed their signatures onto a world-changing document and declared war on the greatest and most powerful nation and military on the face of the earth at that time. This was the equivalent of David stepping up to fight the giant warrior Goliath with a sling shot. These 56 heroes, the signers of the Declaration of Independence had their own accumulated resolve and their faith in God that what they did that day would mean something for you and me. They knew full well what their actions could mean for their future fate. Even though they knew that more than likely they would not live to see the full results and benefits of their actions, they had the confidence, courage and conviction to do it anyway. This was way bigger than just themselves. In an effort to show and prove their sincerity to the cause and their loyalty to each other, in the final sentence of the document they made the highest earthly pledge one can make. To each other, they mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.
To hear the Declaration of Independence read click here.

Once that war was fought and won, our form of government was later established.
Our Founding Fathers did not give us a nation, they did not give us a democracy. Some of those same 56 men, through the greatest governing document ever written, the US Constitution, gave us a Republic. In just a little over 4500 words they laid the rock solid foundation for the greatest experiment ever performed by man. A Constitutional Republic….these United States of America. Having never been done before, they charged us with keeping it. Us being “We the People”.

We the People have failed miserably at our responsibility of keeping it. We have allowed power hungry and corrupt criminal politicians, from city halls to Washington DC, to highjack our Republic. A full-fledged mockery has been made of the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers and the blessings on this country from God above.
America, it is time for those who truly do want to make a difference and who truly do care about the future for their children and grandchildren to stand up in the same confidence, courage and conviction as those 56 men did in the summer of 1776. It is time to take back and restore our Republic.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 Men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Click here to find out.
Our Brand, 56 Men

“56 Men” is about honoring those men for what they did….the price they paid and the sacrifices they made. Our independence, freedom and liberty were gifts from those men to We the People.
To honor those 56 men who put it all on the line for you and me when they signed the Declaration of Independence, we pledge to give part of the profits of every item we sell, to groups and efforts that are diligently pursuing fully-constitutional, non-political efforts to restore the Republic we were founded and blessed by God to be. The God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for future generations depend on us! We hope you will join us and support us in this effort.
The purpose and mission of 56 Men is to help educate American citizens on the founding of our great Republic. Part of our focus will be on the Declaration of Independence and the 56 men who signed it. We will also focus on the greatest governing document ever written, the United States Constitution. Yes the Constitution has been desecrated and destroyed over the last several decades and generations. However, there is a real, lawful, peaceful and constitutional solution that will allow us to return the United States to its original form based on the intentions of the men who created and signed both of these important documents….a Constitutional Republic.
Through the sale of our apparel and promotional items, we will help to fund organizations that are working hard to restore our Republic, not politically but constitutionally. For as much as we can, we will sell items that are made in the USA. We assure you that our hats, T-shirts and socks will always be made in the USA. We hope that you will support us in these efforts and share with others what we are doing.
It is not over for our Republic that has been so blessed by God. But We the People must take a stand and work hard to take it back from the organized criminals who have stolen it from us in governments at all levels. As long as Jesus tarries, there is still time.
Please share what we are doing through your social media and please follow the activity on our Facebook page.
America –This Mess is Our Fault

Edmund Burke is credited with having said “the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Albert Einstein is credited with having said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” And yes doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same bad results is the equivalent of doing nothing. In fact it may actually be worse than doing nothing.
I would think it’s safe to say that the USA is in a big mess. We have done a terribly great job of fulfilling both of these quotes. When I say we, I am not blaming or pointing fingers at liberals, democrats, republicans or other political groups. I am pointing finger at We the People. Yes us….you and me. This mess is 100% wholly our fault. We have allowed it to happen. Now you can either own up to that truth, accept it and choose to become part of the solution, or you can deny that truth, reject it and remain part of the problem. You decide which you will do.
But before you make your decision, let me ask you a few questions that deserve thoughtful and honest answers. Going back to Edmund Burke’s quote, do you consider yourself to be evil? Of course you don’t, but what are you currently doing on a regular basis to keep evil from triumphing? Going back to Einstein‘s quote, do you consider yourself to be insane? Of course you don’t, but what are you currently doing that is different (not the same thing over and over) in order to make a real difference for the future of our country? What have We the People done differently in the last 50 years that has moved the USA in the right direction, kept evil from triumphing, been part of the solution and accomplished long term positive change? In life we are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Where do you see yourself in that right now? Are you doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Is your complacency allowing evil to rule the day and triumph? Are you ready to become part of the solution? I am! It’s way past time to clean up this mess!

The Problem and The Solution
The United States of America today resembles nothing at all close to what our founding fathers gave us and intended it to be. As a matter of fact, I think it safe to say that if they were here today, those 56 Men would consider us to be their enemy. They would be signing to declare war on us. They willingly sacrificed it all and we have made a full scale mockery out of what they gave us. They acknowledged the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness given to every individual by our creator. We have sat back and watched as organized criminals hijacked our Constitutional Republic at every level of government. This includes city halls, county commissions, school boards, state capitals and Washington DC. We have a problem. It is decades and generations old. It is a BIG PROBLEM!
However the great news is, THERE IS A SOLUTION! Now is a great time to be alive, to get up off of our rear ends, stop the complacency and lack of caring, take responsibility and just like our Founding Fathers, decide to make a change and a difference for future generations. Now is the time to quit being part of the problem and to become part of the solution. The United States of America is not a nation, not a country, not a democracy, but we are a Republic….A Constitutional Republic. The only one of its kind that has ever existed in the history of mankind. As he walked out of the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government they had given us to which he replied, “A Republic if you can keep it”
Well, we have done a terrible job, and we have failed greatly at keeping it. But by the grace of God, it is not over and there is still hope for our Republic. THERE IS A SOLUTION!
Our Constitution is meant to be the Supreme Law of the land, and We the People, not elected positions or government bureaucrats, were charged with the responsibility to be over it and enforce that Constitution. We have failed miserably at doing so! It is time! Maybe you are here for such a time as this.
For the very small percentage of Americans, who like our Founding Fathers have the confidence, courage, conviction to take a stand and do the hard work necessary, it is our mission to un-educate you on the lies you have been led to believe for decades and generations which has led to the PROBLEM and to educate you on the real truth and SOLUTION. It will take time, energy and effort. It will not be easy. This is not for the faint of heart. We didn’t get in this mess overnight and we won’t get out of it overnight. But we must start somewhere if there is to be a future of freedom and liberty for our children and our grandchildren.
Are you ready to do the work, to take responsibility and rebuild a future for your children and grandchildren? WE ARE!

If you are ready to become part of the solution click here.
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